SearchWP Review

SearchWP is the most popular WordPress search plugins that will enhance the overall search functionality of your WordPress site.

The default search option of WordPress is not strong enough as it was created to search a blog which used to be the basic and most important objective of WordPress as the blogging platform.

These days, WordPress has gone beyond just a simple blog. Many popular sites, media companies, eCommerce sites are using WordPress as their platform, so it required a string search functionality so that your users can search your site without losing any data.

The basic search option provided by WordPress can’t index the custom post types, custom fields, PDFs and other details that are present on your site. the default option is good enough only for a blog.

Extend Your WordPress Search With SearchWP

If you are managing an eCommerce site or a site with a lot of custom data then you will surely need to optimize the search functionality of your site and power it up with an external tool so that your users don’t miss the important details on your site.

The SearchWP plugin can extend the overall reach through the search bar. It can search through the data that the normal search option can’t.

Unlike the normal WordPress search, the SearchWP tool can search all custom data on your site.

It can search

  • eCommerce product details
  • Custom field content
  • PDF & Other data
  • Different taxonomy field
  • Shortcode related data
  • And more..

The SearchWP plugin changes the approach of the search functionality on your WordPress site. It will search based on the relevancy of content rather than the data of publishing making it the best and comprehensive search solution for the WordPress sites.

SearchWP Installation & Set Up

Install and activate the SearchWP plugin like any other premium plugin. You will have to insert the plugin license so that you can start using the plugin. Once you activate the plugin, you will get the plugin option on your WordPress dashboard where you can complete the setup.

If you are using eCommerce plugin like the WooCommerce, the plugin will readily fetch it to index for search. So, all the normal content types will be included in the index. You can enhance it further by adding the other important post types and taxonomies.



Once you are done with selecting and adding all different content types, you have the option to fine-tune the options so that you can prioritize all the content accordingly.

SearchWP Index


Advanced SearchWP Settings

Once you are done with selecting the content that you wish to include in the search, you have a number of important settings under the advanced options panel. In the advanced settings, you have the option to reset the index completely, you also have the option to reset the statistics of overall search on your site.



Supplemental Search Engine

The SearchWP plugin gives you an option to create a Supplemental Search Engine on your site to search a specific custom post type. For example, if you have a support section on your site, you can create a special search engine for that support section.

You can name this search engine according to your wish to brand the search further. You can add the post type and set the keyword weight as per your specific need.



Support & Pricing

The SearchWP plugin comes with a comprehensive search option that will surely benefit your site if you are managing a site that includes a number of custom post types, eCommerce and other functionalities.

The plugin comes with detailed documentation and knowledgebase section to help you set up the plugin perfectly.

The plugin offers you a number of different pricing plans that start at $79.

Buy SearchWP


SearchWP Extensions

The SearchWP plugin comes with a number of different standard and pro extensions that you can use on your site.

Here are some of the important extensions out of the available options.

  • Easy Digital Download Extension: As the name suggests this extension will help you to extend the search functionality of your online store created with the Easy Digital Download plugin.
  • bbPress Extension: Create a forum on your site with the popular bbPress forum plugin and extend the search functionality with the SearchWP bbPress extension
  • Job Manager Extension: The Job Manager is one of the most popular job management plugins that you can use to create a job portal on your site. The SearchWP Job Manager extension will help you to enhance the default WordPress search to fit a comprehensive job site.
  • WooCommerce Extension: This is again a self-explanatory extension that will enhance the search functionality of your WooCommerce store.
  • WPML Extension: WPML is the most popular language translation plugin for the WordPress sites, this SearchWp extension for WPML will help you to extend the search of your site to the active language.

There are a number of other useful extensions that you can plug with the main plugin to enhance it further.


Final Word

Overall, the SearchWP is undoubtedly the best choice to enhance the search of your WordPress site. The plugin is simple and easy to get started and even a complete newbie can make the best use of this plugin.

If you are managing an eCommerce site, this plugin is highly recommended otherwise you might lose potential revenue from your business.


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